Satellite Image Catalogue  ScanEx | Query form |  


Catalogue Query Form

Step 1 > Select Data Collection:

Select one of the data collections offered by R&D center ScanEx for order
 Sensor Platforms Resolution m. Spectral bands Data collection description
NAOMI SPOT 6,SPOT 72.2,8.8Panchrom, MultispectralSPOT-6(7) images acquired at Scanex stations network
Distributed under licence from ASTRIUM GEO
HRV(IR) SPOT-2,SPOT-410,20Panchrom, MultispectralSPOT-2(4) acquired at ScanEx stations network since 2006
Distributed under licence from SPOT IMAGE
HRG SPOT-52.5,5,10Panchrom, MultispectralSPOT-5 images acquired at Scanex stations network
Distributed under licence from SPOT IMAGE
PAN/MS Formosat-2Pan/MultispectralFormosat-2 images acquired at Scanex stations network
Distributed under licence from SPOT IMAGE
NA30 EROS-A1,EROS-B2 (0.7)PANEROS-A(B) images from ScanEx's archive.
SLIM-6-22 UK-DMC-2223 (Red,Green,NIR)UK-DMC-2 middle resolution multispectral images acquired at ScanEx stations network since 2011
PAN IRS-P52.5Panchrom.IRS-P5 (CARTOSAT-1) data from Russian stations
LISS-IV IRS P65.81 vis.redIRS-P6 LISS-IV (Mono mode) data. (ScanEx's archive from Moscow and Irkutsk stations)
LISS-III IRS P6234 (vis.,NIR,SWIR)IRS-P6 LISS-3 data. (ScanEx's archive from Moscow and Irkutsk stations)
AWIFS IRS P6554 (vis.,NIR,SWIR)IRS-P6 AWIFS data. (ScanEx's archive from Moscow and Irkutsk stations)
PAN IRS-1C, IRS-1D5.81 Panchrom.ScanEx's archive. Data acquired with Moscow,Kurgan,Irkutsk stations since 2002
LISS-III IRS-1C, IRS-1D233 VIS,NIRScanEx's archive. Data acquired at ScanEx stations network during 2002-2009
TM Landsat-5306 VIS,NIR,TIRLandsat-5 TM data received at ScanEx station during GLS2005 and GLS2010 compaigns
TM Landsat-4, Landsat-5306 VIS,NIR,TIRTM Level1G data from USGS archive.
ETM+ Landsat-715,30,60Panchrom.
ETM+ Level1G data from local ScanEx's archive.
ETM+ Landsat-715,30,60Panchrom.
ETM+ Level1G data from "Transparent World" Library. Available at low prices for the library members.
ASTER Terra15,20,90VIS,NIR,TIRASTER data from local ScanEx's archive.
SAR RADARSAT-18-100C-band (5.6cm)SAR data acquired at ScanEx stations network.
Distributed under licence from MDA
Step 2 > Region of interest 
Step 3 > Additional criteria 

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